Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Pinterest Craft Weekend

A couple of weekends ago, 5 friends and I got together and had a Fall craft weekend, no kids, no husbands. It was an absolute blast. All of our crafts (and food) came from Pinterest, the most addicting site in the world. Here are the things I made:

Candy Corn Wreath
This took some patience but once I got going, it went much faster than I originally thought it would. I really thought I would be gluing candy corn the entire weekend, but it probably only took about an hour. But just so you know, don't attempt this with anything but hot glue. Tacky craft glue WILL NOT work. Lesson learned. I love it. I also sprayed it with polyurethane gloss spray, so hopefully it will last more than one year.

Pom-Pom Wreath
Whatever time I saved with the candy corn wreath was spent on this dang pom-pom wreath. Five of us were making them so we needed ALOT of pom-poms. We underestimated the amount we would need and I think we went through at least 15 skeins of yarn for all 6 wreaths and I still think mine could use some more in certain spots. We made pom-poms ALL.FREAKING.WEEKEND. It was alot of tedious wrapping and cutting, but we did it while talking or watching TV so it wasn't horrible. I love how it turned out thought and I love that it will work for the entire fall season.

Googly Eye Frames
These were quick and easy. We all made one and I stole my sister's. Right now they are empty in the middle, but I plan on printing out some Halloween words ('Boo', 'Eek', etc.) and putting them in the frames. Of course, my printer is out of commission at this point, but I'll get it done somehow.

Button Pumpkin
Several of us made these as well and they all came out different. This was a bit time-consuming for me, but I am also very perfectionist and I didn't like the same colors touching too much or too much white space. It went much faster for the other girls. Now I need to find a frame to put it in...

I had so much fun at our Fall craft weekend. It was nice to get away from the house, enjoy excellent food and hilarious company, and not have to entertain/take care of a 4-year-old and a husband. I need to get away more often. We already have a Christmas craft weekend planned and a ton of ideas 'pinned.' Now I have to narrow down what I am going to do so I can buy the supplies. I can't wait!

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