Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Logan Funnies

Logan is becoming quite the character these days. He is in swimming lessons and loving them (except for when he has to float on his back--NOT a fan). He is getting a little too brave, though, if you ask me. He will jump off the edge, whether you're standing there or not. This morning he moved to another part of the ledge from where I was in the pool and started to jump in...luckily I was still close enough to reach and grab him, but jeez! He also thinks it's quite fun to jump in backwards. I mean, I am glad he's not freaking out about the water like last year, but isn't there some middle ground? He is getting the hang of it, though. He will kick his feet and splash his hands, blow bubbles in the water, let me take him underwater and go down a small water slide.

He is loving the books and brings me several to read every day. He takes at least 3 books to bed with him every night to read to his "babies" (stuffed animals). When he is done, he slams the book shut and announces "The End."

He has been counting a lot lately, like everything he sees. But the weird thing is he starts with number 5. I guess 1-4 are too easy for him? Not really, I think he just starts at 5 for some reason. But he will count from 5 to 13 by himself, which I think is pretty impressive.

He's so fun to be around. He is super friendly, too. He says hi to everyone. Even today we were at Chick-Fil-A and there was an elderly man sitting in the booth behind us. He started talking to us because Logan was making silly faces (go figure). Logan started making silly faces with the man and copying his faces and before we left Logan went right over there and gave him a hug. Sweet in some ways, scary in another that he is so friendly.

At naptime, he fights it so hard! Today he played for well over an hour in his bed before I finally went in there to get him to calm down. He had stripped his bed and thrown everything (including the fitted sheet) onto the floor. I fixed it and told him to go to sleep. Twenty minutes later he's quiet and I peek in there and sure enough, he's out like a light, but again the bed is stripped. Why would he want to sleep on a plastic mattress? Speaking of which, he's up already (short nap today, I guess) and screaming "Mommy!" By the way, when he does this he cups his hands around his does he know to do that?? He wears me out!

Summer Days

Summer is here and I am LOVING it! Last week, we took it easy (and by that, I mean lazy). Swimming lessons were pretty much the only thing that was consistent. When he napped, I napped (or watched TV). Not much else was done. But I gave myself that week to do nothing and not feel guilty.

So, this week things were going to change. Right? Sort of. Swimming lessons are still going on (this is the last week) so we can't do much before that (they start at 11) since Logan typically doesn't wake up until after 8. Yesterday we did meet his sitter and her kids at a spray park in Roanoke before swimming lessons and that was fun. He was exhausted after all that activity and took a great nap. While he was napping, I did make a menu for the next week. I love to cook but during the school year I am so tired at the end of the day, I don't have the energy to experiment with new recipes, etc. So I grabbed an armful of cookbooks from the cabinet while Logan was eating lunch one day and started marking recipes that I wanted to try. I made the master grocery list yesterday and went shopping last night, using coupons and all! I got all the ingredients (for 8 meals), plus some other necessities for under $100 (thanks to coupons). So here's the menu (starts Thursday b/c we're going to be at Chris' game tonight):

Thursday: Chicken & Black Bean Tostizzas (tostada/pizza) and spanish rice
Friday: Chicken spaghetti bake (both Thurs. & Fri. recipes will share a rotisserie chicken), asparagus
Saturday: Fuzzy's!!
Sunday: Family dinner @ my house--TBD
Monday: Cheeseburger Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, salad
Tuesday: Barbecups, homemade Macaroni and Cheese, green beans
Wednesday: Zesty Italian Crescent Casserole, salad
Thursday: French Onion Pot Roast
Friday: Chicken Fajita Pizza

I am pretty proud of myself, now let's just see if I can follow through with it. I need to. We have been eating out way too much lately just out of laziness. That's not helping our checking account or our waistlines. Speaking of that, I still need to follow through with my plan to walk on my treadmill everyday when Logan is thing at a time, right? :)

On another note, I am starting to potty train Logan. Not full on yet, but just a little here and there when he's in the mood to sit on the potty. I have M&M's as a reward and stickers he can use to decorate his potty everytime he uses it. Monday he peed in the potty 3 times. Yesterday, not so much. Today he has done it once so far but he got that M&M and immediately went to sit down and try to pee again, so I know that will be a good reward for him! It sure would be nice if he was potty trained before the summer was over, but I know he is still young (especially for a boy) so I am not pushing it.